First Multilingual ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Mobile App Maker Launched in MENA


While the majority of enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa fall within the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) segment, comprising 80-90% of total business in most countries, many are in need of finance in order to grow and expand. An innovation-led mobile technology start up, has launched the very first ‘Do-It-Yourself’ mobile app maker in the Middle East offering SMEs, entrepreneurs and individuals a new gateway to procure efficient mobile applications by breaking the barriers of cost, time and technological complexity.

Founded by Pierre Azzam, Mohammed Johmani and Hussam Abu Zaalan, whose vision is to ‘democratize’ app development, Mobibus empowers users to create, manage and publish their own professional looking iOS and Android apps on smartphones and tablets, without the need for any technical or programming knowledge.

The very concept of ‘Do-It-Yourself’ is going to be a game-changer for the region, the founders believe, because numerous studies have established the growing smartphone penetration in the Middle East and people’s increasing reliance on mobile technology in professional and personal live.

Mobile technology is undoubtedly changing the way companies communicate with their audiences and conduct business. This drive for mobility means that, no matter what size your business, a mobile gateway that links you to your audience is essential. However, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation, 63% of SMEs in the MENA region do not have access to finance and so may not always be able to allocate marketing budgets to drive their business.

The Mobibus ‘Do-It-Yourself’ app maker is particularly suited to SMEs, entrepreneurs and marketers who have no experience with application programming, yet are looking for a quick, easy and cost-effective way to mobilize a business or campaign without having to compromise on design or functionality. The user interface and user experience is solid and will ensure a positive user experience.”

According to the company, pricing is moderate, transparent and flexible with either an annual (USD $125 per month) or quarterly (USD $150 per month) package fee, and the option of selecting add-ons to enhance user experience. However, according to our research in the long term it might be expensive to use such solution.

With the increasing smartphone penetration across the region, coupled with the increasing reliance on mobile devices, businesses need to seriously consider mobile as a key touch point, not only to deliver information but to engage with their audiences and influence their decisions.


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