People are Happiest at 33


When do we reach the peak of our happiness? Is it when we receive professional fulfillment, independence or start a family of our own. According to a new survey, the reason behind the greatest happiness in life is different for everyone of us. However, the study claims that the majority of people are happiest at the age of 33.

The survey was conducted by Friends Reunited. What is interesting about it is that some of its respondents are celebrities. Many of them were over 40. In addition, 70% of the participants stated that they were not truly happy until they turned 33.

According to psychologist Donna Dawson, at that age we are less naïve. Also, at 33 people continue to be nearly as energetic and enthusiastic as they were in their 20s. Dowson adds that the big difference is that when in their 30s, we are more confident in ourselves and in our abilities. The psychologist states that when we reach 33, we finally have a better sense and understanding of reality.

Respondent, on the other hand, are briefer in analyzing the reasons for their happiness at 33. Most of them shared that life at that age is more fun. The researches behind the poll have attempted to explain this simple and short statement. According to them, around that age, we are finally able to reach a financial stability and security. As a result, people become calmer, more confident and happier.

Among the main things that brought the most happiness to participants was professional fulfillment and support from their family and friends. Another 36% of them claimed that they felt happiest when they had children.

As you can see, the recipe for happiness is different for everyone. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey, who also took part in the survey, also shared that his happiness peaked around the time he was 33. Ramsey explained that this was when he managed to open his own restaurant.

However, 33 is not a magical number for everyone. Some participants in the poll felt happiest during their childhood (16%). Others, point their college years as their favourite period (6%).


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