Most Employable Graduates in 2013 Completed Top Western Universities


A new study ranked world’s top universities, based on the employability of their graduates. The first place went to the University of Oxford. However, the list was mainly dominated by US higher education institutes.

The 2013 Global Employability University Survey, announced Oxford as the university with the most employable graduates this year. The University of Oxford dethroned Harvard University (2) after it moved up with three spots. The top five is completed by University of Cambridge on the third position, Stanford University on the fourth place and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which took the fifth spot.

The ranking was published by Emerging Associates, a French human resources consulting group, together with German research and polling institute Trendence. About 2,700 employees from 20 different countries took part in the survey. They were asked to point out which of universities in their area had the top graduates.

UK higher education instituted did very well on the list. They make up 14 of the world’s best 150 in this category. Other UK representatives that managed to make it into this year’s top 20 are University of Cambridge (3), University College London (13) and the University of Edinburgh (15).

Despite that, US universities ruled the list. They occupy a total of 45 spots on the ranking. In addition, seven of them are among the first 10. Those include Harvard University (2), Stanford University (4), MIT (5), Princeton (6), Columbia University (7), Yale (8) and California Institute of Technology (9).

The research also stated that small countries in North Europe, like Switzerland and the Netherlands, showed an unexpectedly high performance in terms of graduates employability. All in all, universities that focused mainly on business studies did better that the others.

Here is the complete list of this year’s universities with the most employable graduates:

  • University of Oxford (UK)
  • Harvard University (US)
  • University of Cambridge (UK)
  • Stanford University (US)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  • Princeton University (US)
  • Columbia University (US)
  • Yale University (US)
  • California Institute of Technology (US)
  • University of Tokyo (Japan)

Recruiters, who participated in the study, also revealed that they have a very high opinion of student internships. In others words, students who were once interns have a better chance of finding a job.


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