Make ‘Hello 2014’ with Emirates your New Year’s Resolution


Emirates airline customers who have made a New Year’s resolution to see more of the world can now say Hello to 2014 with some very attractive fares in both Business Class and Economy Class.

Bookings to all destinations across Emirates’ network on six continents have to be made between 23rd December 2013 to 6th January 2014, for travel between the 15th January and the 20th July 2014.

“What better way to begin 2014 by travelling to a destination that you have never been to, or making that much promised visit to a friend or family member,” said Thierry Antinori, Emirates’ Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. “We’ve combined the great flight connections offered by our global network with great special fares and by doing so we hope to help our customers fulfil their travel aspirations in 2014.”

All inclusive Business Class fares from this region start at AED 4,695 to Europe, AED 6,985 to the Far East and Australasia and AED 2,915 to Africa; with Economy Class fares starting at AED 1,465 to Europe, AED 2,085 to the Far East and Australasia and AED 695 to Africa.

A total of eight new destinations have been added to the Emirates network since the beginning of 2013 including Stockholm, Tokyo Haneda and Clark in the Philippines; with Taipei, Kiev and Boston to join the network in early 2014.

It is not only the destinations that are increasing, Emirates also continues to add the latest aircraft to its fleet which now stands at 212 in including 44 Airbus A380s flying to 24 destinations.

For more information on Emirates, including how to book flights and a complete list of terms and conditions, contact your travel agent or visit

*local terms and conditions apply


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