Christmas Feasting Survival Guide


Christmas is the greatest time of the year when we gather with the people we love the most, surprise them with nice gifts, sing carols and decorate beautifully the house. But Christmas is also the time for traditionally overeating and overspending. With parties, social and family gatherings and festive atmosphere, the holiday season is the hardest times of the year to stick to a balanced, healthy way of eating. So, how to avoid overeating during the Christmas holidays?
The biggest problem about overeating on Christmas is that it will certainly blow your entire diet, making it impossibly difficult to get back on track. Of course, the best strategy is to avoid overeating as a whole and if you think it’s a mission impossible, you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s actually pretty simple if you stick to our rules.

Start eating early. The easiest, best way to prevent overeating on Christmas day is to start your day with a healthy, filling breakfast that won’t allow you to devour everything in sight.

It’s not the amount of food you eat, but the energy density of the meals. Don’t even bother counting the calories you are consuming. It is a tedious job, especially on Christmas, and you will certainly give it up. Instead, start with a huge, delicious salad and take another plate filled with little amounts of all your favourite foods. It’s the so-called 80/20 rule – 80 percent of the food should be low-fat, low-calorie and healthy, and the other 20 percent can be unhealthy, but tasty foods to indulge.

Drink wisely. Add soda to your wine or drink water throughout the day to keep you hydrated, fuller, and lessen the hangover the next day. Choose non-alcohol cocktails if you can.

Avoid meat and fatty foods, as well as anything made with pastry. Seafood or lean meats, accompanied by a large salad are a good choice.

Walk it off! After lunch, take a nice, long walk in the neighborhood, especially if the weather allows it. You can also take part in various games or just spend a little time with the kids – they are your natural fitness.

Before going to a party, make a high-protein snack. This will help you avoid junk foods and will keep you sober for longer.

Downsize the plates. It’s a common diet trick – take a smaller plate. It will make you think the food you are eating is more than it is actually.

Dance! If a walk is not an option, but people are dancing at the party, what are you waiting for? Even if you are not the best dancer in the world, you will still be able to have fun and burn off a few extra calories in the process!

Overeating during the Christmas day often leads to overeating during the entire holiday. So, think about how to resist some temptations and spend the holiday smarter.


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