The biggest advantage of a maid service business is that it is always in demand and often allows owners to expand faster than they have expected. In addition, it can even leave you enough time to take up a side job. Dubai with its ever expanding population with extra disposable income is the perfect place for such a small business.
However, if you are planning on starting such a company, you should first take the time and answer a few important questions.
Work alone or build a team?
Many owners of small maid service companies help in the cleaning process. In fact, some start all alone and hire employees later. Nevertheless, there are others, who prefer to focus only on the management of the business. You should choose which of the three scenarios you prefer before you decide on anything else.
Is this really for you?
You need to consider the fact that cleaning other people’s houses is an underrated job that often gets a little respect. In addition, it can be physically demanding. There will always be newly rich bossy expat wives who live to boss around their maid and not that much honest gentlemen who will try their charms at no extra cost. Therefore, take in all the fact and base your business on them.
What type of cleaning services will you offer?
The more cleaning services you offer – the better. However, you will need to decide on a list of the things your company will offer even before you found it. Most maid services include window and floor cleaning, dusting, polishing and laundry. However, you can also add a few extras like dishwashing and sorting recyclables if you want to lure more clients. In some bigger households, there are maids only for washing and ironing services.
How much will you charge?
The pricing of all services and tasks needs to be calculated ahead of time. Make sure you provide a list of the prices to your customers. You can even add it to your website or blog if you have any. In addition, consider the average time of a single task can take when estimating the price of the separate services. In Dubai, most of the maids service companies charge per hour somewhere from 30 Dirhams to 50 Dirhams.
Will you need an office?
If you do not plan on hiring other people, you may keep in simple and go without an office. However, a workspace will definitely be necessary. You will need a special space to store all of equipment and supplies, as well as a computer to keep track of your incomes and expenses related with your company. Transportation is also essential in big cities.
What licenses will you need to run your business?
To answer this question, you will need to contact your city’s offices. Often home maid services require different licenses as opposed to residential cleaning services. Try to gain all the information you need to avoid future problems and inconveniences.
Did you get all the equipment and supplies you will need?
You will need a great deal of cleaning supplies and equipment for this business. That is why it is best if you build a partnership with some suppliers. Also, apart from all the common cleaning that you have to purchase, you should invest in non-toxic supplies. They will be need if the customers have allergies or children. In addition, if your company involved a bigger team, you can get them special uniforms. That always makes good impression and it is really practical.
How will you promote your business?
There are many options which you can use for marketing. For example, you can do everything the good old way – with flyers, brochures and business cards. You can also rely on more modern marketing techniques and use your website or blog, or social media platforms. It will do no harm if you come up with a simple marketing plan for your maid service business that will include a budget, target audience and locations, strategies and others.
How is the competition doing it?
Finally, if you still have some unanswered questions, simply see how the competition is doing it. Research their services, pricing, marketing techniques and all other areas that might interest you.
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