Social Media Etiquette for Businesses


Do not get lost in the world of automation – Automation tools like HootSuite are amazing! They save time and resources without sacrificing on posts’ effectiveness. However, above all, social media platforms were created for socializing. Therefore, try to go through your clients’ comments and feedback whenever you can, as well as to give them your response.

Follow these simple social media etiquette rules if you want your business to enjoy the true benefits of social media. For an even more effective use of these platforms, you can look at the things you should avoid:

  • Tell users to follow you or to like your page
  • Promote your websites, pages, etc. in irrelevant groups
  • Sending out unpersonalized messages or replying to consumers with one and the same Tweet or comment
  • Posting too often


  1. Nice blog post. I think it is important for businesses to define a social media policy to ensure every one is   aware of what they should be saying. Colleagues need to remember they are presenting a business and not themselves.t


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