Indian and Pakistani schools in Dubai were found to offer students poor education. That was revealed by the latest “Indian and Pakistani School Inspections” report released by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).
According to the report, the rating of Dubai’s Indian and Pakistani schools showed little or even no improvement over the last few years. This conclusion was made after inspection of two Pakistani schools and 25 Indian schools.
Two of the Indian schools received unsatisfactory rating, while 13 were rates as acceptable. Nevertheless, there were a few exceptions. For instance, two Indian schools managed to preserve their outstanding performance and one succeeded in improving its rating from acceptable to good. Still, about 60% of the Indian schools have not registered a rating improvement since 2011.
However, the number of students who go to outstanding and good Indian-curriculum schools has increased with over 3,600. Despite that, most than 33,000 Indian pupils in Dubai continue to study in unsatisfactory or acceptable education institutes.
Over the last few years, Dubai’s two private Pakistani schools have maintained their unsatisfactory rating. However, this year, the mark of one of them was upgraded to acceptable. Nevertheless, this still means that 50% of the 1,700 Pakistani pupils in the emirate receive poor education.
For both Pakistani and Indian school, poor quality of teaching was among the main problems. According to the report, teaching methods in them were uninspiring, as well as didactic. Other areas in which Indian- and Pakistani-curriculum schools showed poor performance was Arabic and Islamic studies. The report also states that most of them do not offer suitable environment for students with special needs.
KHDA also recommended that schools should improve their teaching methods, as well as to invest in more experienced and qualified teachers.
In its report, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority reminds that one of UAE’s goals is to push its schools among the world’s best by 2021. It also warned that in order this to be achieved, Indian and Pakistani schools would need to make more efforts.