Get Kindle Fire Tablet for Less Than $100


The Kindle Fire tablets are popular for the fact that they somehow manage to offer top performance for a minimal price. Kindle Fire tablet PCs currently start at around $140. However, that does not mean that you can’t find an even cheaper, yet brand new Kindle Fire tablet. Amazon is now offering one of its previous-generation tablets for less than $100!

The 2012 edition of Kindle Fire is back on Most importantly, however, its price tag is incredibly slim – barely $99.


Even though this is not the latest Kindle Fire that you can find on the market, this tablet is worth investing in. First of all, the gadget has the same amount of internal storage as its successor Kindle Fire HD. Both devices come with 8GB of internal memory capacity. In addition, they have similar battery lives. Moreover, Kindle Fire even has the upper hand here, since it charges faster compared to the HD model. Also, Amazon offers a one-year limited warranty and service for these tablet PCs.

Probably the biggest advantage of Kindle Fire is that it makes a great children’s tablet. That is mainly because it supports Amazon’s Kindle FreeTime service. With it, parents can create user profiles for each of their kids, as well as to limit their access to certain web content and apps. Another great function of the service allows parents to limit the time their children spend using the tablet. Also, this edition of Kindle Fire is incredibly tough. It is 30 times harder than plastic and it will withstand all the daily scrapes and bumps. And let’s not forget the various e-books that can read on its, or all the games, movies and shows they would have the chance to enjoy.

The low price of the device is another big plus. After all, not many parents or first-time users are willing to spend a fortune on tablet PC.
Sometimes a step back can be a step forward. Don’t miss this chance and order the 2012 edition of Amazon’s Kindle Fire for only $99.



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