Only a couple of days after Amazon introduced its super-charged Fire Phone and the device confidently climbed up the retailer’s list of top-selling electronic devices. It was even very close to reaching the first spot once it landed on the fourth position. [wpsr_retweet]
Amazon launched its first smartphone during a dedicated event. In typical new product launch-fashion, although the device will start shipping on 25 July, it is already available for pre-order. However, consumers may have started to lose interest in the 3D smartphone. The handset fell down to the 85th spot on Amazon.com’s best-selling list. Moreover, in a matter of just a few hours the Fire Phone declines by over 10 spots. If things continue in the same spirit, the retailer’s gadget may even leave the top 100 by the end of this week.
This sounds almost like a death sentence for Amazon’s smartphone, doesn’t it. Well, it is not. There is something very important about the Fire Phone – it is still the best-selling smartphone device on Amazon. Furthermore, it is the only mobile phone which is presently on Amazon’s best-selling list.
Apart from its top-selling ranking, Amazon.com also features a list of the hottest new releases in electronics. On it, the Fire Phone is burning up. The 32GB version of the handset has climbed up the 3rd position on this list, while its 64GB edition takes the 58th spot. The only other smartphone device which is also in the top 100 of hottest new electronic products its HTC One M8. However, it occupies the 53rd place and that means it is way behind the Fire Phone.
And if that was not enough, Amazon’s smartphone is one of best-sellers in the category “Contract Cell Phones.” There, it takes the 2nd spots and it is only lead by the 16GB edition of Samsung’s Galaxy S5.
As it was already mentioned before, Amazon’s Fire Phone will be officially released on the market on 25 July. Until then, it will be almost impossible to measure the consumers’ reaction on the handset. Even on Amazon.com, shoppers still have not left a comment or an early review on the Fire Phone. In addition, we should not overlook the fact that this is the very first time Amazon launched a smart mobile phones. Consumers do not really know what to expect and are apparently being cautious at the moment.
Therefore, it is too early to announce the death sentence of Amazon Fire Phone It even has not come to life yet.