UAE More Stable than China, Russia and Turkey


The United Arab Emirates is the 35th most stable nation in the world. A new index has listed the country as a more stable than countries like Russia, Turkey and China. [wpsr_retweet]

According to the 2014 Fragile State Index, which ranks the most and least stable countries in the world, UAE showed an improvement over the last twelve months. The country has registered an impressive performance in almost all categories, with just a few exceptions. For instance, the brain drain in the UAE is one of the lowest in the world and the public services in the country are among the best. In addition to that, the United Arab Emirates is not witnessing any major external intervention coming from other outside governments and organizations.

The most worsened country by score this year is the Central African Republic, followed by Syria and Libya. Interestingly, despite being one of the today’s major economies, the United States is also among the most worsened countries on the list. In just one year, its score decreased by nearly 2%.

Iran is the country that saw the biggest rise on the ranking. It score improved by 2.5% and it climbed by 7 positions. Although Iran still struggles with political instability, it has managed to improve its health care and some aspects of its economy.

Countries in the Middle East region showed a varied performance on the index. Apart from the UAE, Qatar (39) and Oman (41) also managed to find a place among the 50 most stable nations. However, others like Pakistan, Syria and Iraq were put in the category “High Alert” or one step above the bottom.

African countries were the ones that dominated the lower part of the index. According to the research, the most unstable nation in 2014 is South Sudan. Somalia and Central African Republic are taking the second and third spots, respectively.

Europe and the Asia-Pacific, on the other hand, had a strong presence in the top 20. This year, Finland is the only country which has a status “Very Sustainable.” The next few positions went to Finland’s neighbours Sweden (2), Denmark (3) and Norway (4). The only non-European countries that made it among the first 10 were New Zealand (6) and Australia (10).

Most stable nations in the world:

  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Switzerland
  • New Zealand
  • Luxembourg
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Australia
  • 35. UAE

The report states that over the last one decade, the global stability has seen a great improvement, especially regions like the Balkans. However, it concludes that one destabilized nation can easily threaten the stability of the rest of the world. That is why it explains that governments should find a way to quickly identify and solve pressures that could evolve in larger conflicts.


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