Shopper’s Dilemma – iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus


iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are enjoying a record consumer attention not only at Apple Store, but elsewhere. The technology company announced that the first day pre-orders for both handsets has reached 4 million. On Monday, Apple said that it had sold 10 million units of its new and bigger iPhones over the weekend, up from the nine million iPhones it sold last year in the first weekend of sales for the previous generation of iPhones.

Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is that both devices easily stand out with their specifications and functionalities, although some customers expected more.

For many would be hard to decide which of the two handsets they should get. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are more similar that you can imagine. For example, they are made of the same materials and rely on almost identical screen technology. Also, they run on the same operating system and processor. Still, the differences between them are what you should look at when deciding which iPhone 6 you should buy.

Big vs. Bigger

Both handsets come with bigger screens compared to all of their predecessors. The iPhone 6, for instance, rocks a 4.7” display, while the 6 Plus features a massive 5.5” screen, which places it in the phablet category. Therefore, you should pick between a big and a bigger iPhone. Those of you, who prefer the one-hand use and a device that can easily be carried around, should not hesitate getting the 4.7” iPhone 6. However, if you do not mind to have a less portable handset that will require a two-hand use, you should not overlook the iPhone 6 Plus.

Your Device Background

Whenever you are trying to select a new smart device for yourself, you should always consider all of the devices you are currently using and how you use them. For instance, if you tend to frequently sit in front of your laptop, tablet, PC or Mac, than your smartphone may not really qualify as your primary computer device. In that case, the smaller iPhone 6 would make a good solution for you. If, on the other hand, you plan to use your handset as a main smart device, 6 Plus would be the best answer.

Smartphone Photography Enthusiasts

Both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus do not differ dramatically in terms of camera capabilities and features. Nevertheless, there is one aspect in which they greatly differ – image stabilization. The 4.7” iPhone supports software stabilization, whereas the 5.5” device comes with optical stabilization, which is more advanced. As a result, iPhone 6 Plus will offer you much more impressive low-light snaps.

Media Consumers

Consumers, who enjoy to watch movies, TV shows and videos on their smartphones, will certainly fall in love with 6 Plus. That is mainly due to its larger screen, of course. Thanks to it, users will get a tablet-like media experience. Also, those who purchase the 128 GB version will be able to store a huge amount of films directly on their device.

App Use

But the big-screened iPhone has its disadvantages. It comes with many extra pixels and there are still not many mobile applications that were developed particularly for 6 Plus. This means that iPhone 6 Plus owners may experience some troubles when it comes to the device’s scaling of apps. Simply said, the applications and games you run on it may sometimes appear with an edgier or even blurrier image quality.

Power Users

iPhone 6 Plus may rock a larger display, but it also offers extra battery life. To be more specific, Plus users will get 1 extra hour of web browsing, as well as 2 extra hours of video watching compared to iPhone 6 owners.

Price Wise

However, for some buyers the price is the most important factor when it comes to decision making. The iPhone 6 Plus does offer extra screen size and battery life, but it will also cost you an extra $100. If that is a deal-breaker for you, then go with 4.7” iPhone 6.

Once you consider all of these factors, you will have no problem to solve your iPhone shopper’s dilemma.


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