Global Thinkers Forum honors Influential Arab Women


The international organization Global Thinkers Forum will hold its annual award ceremony in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to honor ‘Arab Women as Changemakers: A Celebration of Achievements’.

In partnership with the Dubai Business Women Council, the Global Thinkers Forum awards recognize the leadership and achievements of Arab Women and their influence on society.

Global Thinkers Forum CEO and Founder, Elizabeth Filippouli said, “Global Thinkers Forum was born with a vision and a mission: to foster positive change and help our world become a better place by nurturing the new generation of leaders. We believe that women have a very influential role to play in shaping a new ecosystem for social progress and excellence. Our world needs women forerunners who can understand that collaboration is key for progress as well as sustainable development and will seek partnerships with obvious and unanticipated stakeholders. It needs women leaders who know that it’s all about the people and they will serve ideas and values for a large vision. It is essential to have women leaders who will take steps to achieve extensive impact and look to develop new leaders on various levels, across all sectors, in order to foster growth”.

Among those honoured on the night will be Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, the President of the Royal Scientific Society and an advocate of science and technology as a catalyst for change in the Arab World, through education, research and innovation. On receiving the news of her work being honoured, Princess Sumaya said, “We are committed to promote the right of women to participate and to create wealth, happiness and prosperity. It is time now to recognise that they can transmit education, ambition, hope”.

The high profile awards event will take place on the Friday the 28th of November at Madinat Jumeirah. The evening will feature a live performance from Star Wars conductor, Sir Dirk Brosse.


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