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Jobs Where You Can Travel


You would love to travel more, but it seems impossible to afford it? One of the solutions is to find jobs where you can travel!

It’s easier said than done? Well, not really – there are plenty of jobs, whether requiring special training or education, or not, that will let you explore new places and cultures on different continents. Here are a few of jobs where you can travel frequently and relatively inexpensive, while still having time for sightseeing or even get paid to do that.

Freelance writer or photographer

Customers connect onboard theEmirates A380 1Usually, people think of travel writer and this particular career will require travel above all else. But if you are banker or financier, you can become a freelance writer, submitting articles to finance journals and magazines. Or, if you are a keen photographer, consider getting a course or some photography classes that will bring you to a more professional level. From there, you can travel as a freelance photographer for travel magazines, news agencies, or even as a destination wedding photographer. Wealthy couples will pay you to travel with them, capture their big day, and spend several days at a sunny island or a medieval European castle. You may read more about travel and writing combined: How to Start a Travel Blog

Anything in the travel industry

The most common way to find jobs where you can travel the world is to join the travel and tourism industry. Tour guides, travel agents, flight attendants or (why not pilots?), a cook or an entertainer at a cruise ship – they are all jobs where you can to travel. While commercial flight pilots need extensive training and travel agents and cooks will need some kind of degree, tour guides, flight attendants and most cruise line workers (musician, bartender, cleaning and maintenance crew, childcare worker, dancer) are among the most accessible jobs. You won’t be required a specialized degree, but only a quick course and certification, as well as speaking the local language. These are hardly the best careers, but they will perfectly satisfy your wanderlust at least when you are young.

You may consider sending your CV to the ever expanding and always hiring Emirates Airline, which employees already more than 56,000 people.

Au pair

This is a fantastic job for anyone who speaks a foreign language and loves working with children. Families will provide you with free lodging and food in exchange for childcare services like babysitting and assistance with schoolwork. There are plenty of companies and websites that will give you detailed information on how to apply for such a job, what will be required of you, what documents and visas you will need, and so on.

Language teacher

In most countries, you will need a bachelor’s degree in English (or another language), while in others requirements may include TESL certification or a master’s degree. However, in some countries schools will hire you only for being an American or British citizen. There are specialized websites, which recruit language teachers around the world, but you can also visit InterNations, which connects millions of expatriates in various countries. The network can be extremely helpful, answering all your questions regarding teaching (or any other profession), cost of living, and more in the particular country.

Navy sailor

This isn’t the best option for everyone for quite obvious reasons, but you can’t deny one simple fact – regardless of the economic conditions, the military is always hiring. Plus, you get health and insurance benefits. Of course, you can also work at a navy ship as a military doctor, nurse, or several others, depending on your home country.



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