Female Leadership in Action! Join in UAE


Women 1After 20 years of success across Europe,USA and Asia, the personalized Authentic Leadership in Action retreat for WOMEN “Coming Into Your Own”, is finally making its way to the region with the first ever public session. Coming Into Your Own “CIYO” is a leadership development retreat developed as a response to women who wanted to find their own voice, their unique contribution, and their own brand of power in the workplace –without sacrificing themselves, their relationships, and their well being. It’s for women who wanted to retrieve parts of themselves they had left behind by treading more traditional pathways of success. They wanted balanced lives that were full of ongoing meaning and fulfillment.

CIYO is an intergenerational, cross-cultural program – as much for grandmothers over 65 who want to launch the third ‘trimester’ of their lives and young women in search of their heart’s desire – as it is for women who aspire or occupy senior leadership positions.

With 4 to 1 ratio participants to faculty, the program intimacy gives the opportunity for exploratory dialogue and individualized processes in a confidential surround.

CIYO partakers include ladies from companies such as Hewlett-Packard, BP, The World Bank, Bayer, Shell, Intel, Boeing, Anglo American, BT, EDF, Uneliver, UK home office, Bombardier, Toyota, Google, L’Oreal. Many women have also chosen to attend as individuals.

For more information call +971 505566452 or +971528374660.


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