Job Search Mistakes to Stop Making Right Now


The job market isn’t what it used to be 20 years ago with hundreds of job ads websites and the social networks that we use today. People change their workplaces more often and globalization has given us much more opportunities than ever existed before. But it doesn’t mean job search hase become easier. In fact, if you want to get hired, there are several common job mistakes you should stop making right now.

Don’t spend all your job search time online

You probably have a great-looking LinkedIn resume and a profile in at least one job-search website. Applying for a job may be easier, but it comes with its risks as automated applicant tracking systems can easily eliminate you based on poorly written resume, wrong keyword choice, and often, just one “wrong” answer in the online form. For example, you may have a master’s degree in engineering, while the application form will ask you whether you have a bachelor’s degree. If you answer with a “No”, you’ll be eliminated, despite the fact you are even better prepared. This is just one example of how online job search can ruin your chances of finding the “dream” job. Instead, you should turn to offline job search as referrals are more likely to get you a job interview. Get your network of friends work for you – you don’t have to spend all your free time on job search.

Don’t make your online resume sound OK

If you are applying for a job online, OK is not enough. You need a powerful and personal online presence to catch recruiters’ attention. The information you are providing should be correct and really detailed; to sound personal, like you are marketing yourself. Otherwise you will be just one of the thousands of job seekers on the Internet.

Don’t search for jobs from your phone

Many people are applying for a job ad directly from their phone while they are busy with something else, especially those who currently have a job. But if you’re on a job hunt while in meeting, during bathroom breaks, while you’re out with friends or in bed at night, you are likely to make spelling errors and overlook something important, or even miss to add your contact information. When you are applying, you need to be 100% focused on what you are doing.

Don’t inflate your skills

Many jobseekers tend to add an extra skill they don’t really have, so their resume sounds better. Your experience and skills are very important, but if you lie, it’s incredibly easy for the recruiter to find out – they can always contact your former employers or simply find all the information they need online.

Don’t follow all the “rules” of job searching

There are many rules you can actually break. For example, you can apply not only for the positions that are posted, but for any other job you like and at any company you like. Just send your application form and cover letter to their office or email. You have nothing to lose and pretty much everything to gain. Also, you can apply for a job even if you don’t have all the qualifications, listed in the job ad – job ads are usually just a copy-paste from another job ad, so don’t think that everything it says it actually true.

Don’t take it personally

Job search is always hard, so if you get rejected several times, don’t take it personally. It can be really traumatizing and it’s easy to doubt yourself, your knowledge and skills, but don’t. This is just how the system works. Instead, be professional about it and look at things with a more positive attitude. This will certainly help you out – the more confident and positive you are, the more hiring managers are likely to trust and like you.


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