UAE Aims to Revolutionize Rain Enhancement Science


The UAE Programme for Rain Enhancement Science attracts the attention of experts from all over the world. Notable scientists in the field have showed great interest in the programme’s latest competition, wishing to become part of it. That became clear during the Global Forum for Innovation in Agriculture, which is organized at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

As part of the programme, a competition is being held for research proposal on increasing rainfall in both the United Arab Emirates and semi-arid regions as a whole. The best five ideas will be rewarded with a generous grant of AED 8.350 million or $5 million. The grant will be shared over the winning proposals and it will cover a period of three years.

The programme’s competition is quite popular and many of the world’s most renowned scientists in the field are participating in it. The names of the first winners will be announced during the first week of 2016. Before that, however, individuals, for-profit and non-profit organizations need to send their proposals by March 16 (Monday).

The UAE Programme for Rain Enhancement Science was first announced in early 2014. The main idea behind it is to place the UAE among the leaders on the global rain enhancement science scene. This activity is encouraged through investments in this field of research.

The necessity for improving rain enhancement techniques is now considered crucial not only for desert and semi-desert areas like the Middle East, but also for the entire world. It is predicted that by 2050 the global population will jump by 3 million. The majority of that growth will be witnessed in developing countries. The problem is that such economies tend to rely mainly on rainfall and their existing water supply for water and food. Another big factor that has a negative effect on the world’s water supply is global warming.

The combination of these factors can potentially result in a water supply crisis in the future. That is why many countries, including the UAE, have started searching for new rain enhancement techniques.

Cloud seeding is one of the most popular rain enhancement solutions today. It involves injecting efficient ice nuclei into cloud and has been used since the middle of the 20th century. Cloud seeding is also practiced in the United Arab Emirates. Back in 2010, the country invested $11 million into this particular  rain enhancement strategy. The practice has been successfully used in the deserts of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

However, chemicals used in the processes of cloud seeding are believed to have certain health and environmental impacts. Moreover, some countries like Australia have even forbid the practice. Therefore, current rain enhancement solutions are far from perfect, which further creates the need for more research in the field.


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