Effective Ways to Reduce Kids’ Screen Time


Fight Fire with Fire

There are various apps dedicated to limiting kids screen time and you may enable some on your devices. Many of them are even free. You can try them out. However, kids tend to be better with new technology than their parents. Therefore, there is also a strong chance that they will find a way to go around the fence and disable all the parental controls you have activated.

Help Them Socialize

Having more friends might help your kids spend less time in front of the screen. But telling your children to meet new children and to be more outgoing is not the way to achieve that. Not all kids are good in socializing. What you can do to encourage this behavior is to organize regular play dates with other children and their parents. You do not need a reason, like a birthday, to do that. Many mums and dads will be happy to get such an invitation as they are also trying to unglue their children off the tablet.

Encourage Them to be Active

When kids get used to be more physically active, they will be more likely to view mobile gadgets as something dull and uninteresting. To establish this lifestyle habit in them, you can sign them to train some sport (again, pick something you know they would like). Also, get them outside and spend the afternoon in the park or by the seaside.

Don’t expect that all of these parenting strategies will work on your kids or to work all at once. It will take some time, patience and stubbornness to make your children see beyond the screen.


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