On April 2 each year we mark World Autism Awareness Day and although it is estimated that around 1 percent of the global population has some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, we know too little about what exactly it is. The myths, surrounding it are many, including that it affects only boys and that all children with autism are Rain Man-like geniuses.
Until the condition is fully understood by the general public, people will autism won’t be accepted and won’t be able to participate fully in their community. That is why today we should explain 6 facts about autism everyone should know.
Autism isn’t a disease
Many people believe that autism is a mental health condition such as depression or schizophrenia. But in fact, autism is a lifelong developmental condition and it can’t be cured. It comes in different kinds and shapes; it’s highly individual neuro-developmental disorder and in some cases individuals can recover to a stage where they lose the ASD diagnosis.
Autism affects both sexes
In the past, only men were believed to be diagnosed with the disorder, but women also have it. For some reason however, boys outweigh girls with this diagnosis with 4 to 1.
Autistic people don’t have savant-like skills or ultra-high IQ
A lot of people associate autism with Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rain Man, but it’s now believed that the real person that the movie was based on Kim Peek, wasn’t actually autistic, but had FG Syndrome instead. It’s true that some people with autism really have amazing memories or are good at math. And the savants with special abilities are more common among the autism community.
Vaccines don’t cause autism
There are hundreds of studies claiming the cause of autism is this or that, but no one knows for sure. And the myth that vaccines cause autism has been debunked.
People with autism don’t interact and don’t care about other people’s feelings
Even children with severe symptoms and side conditions as part of their ASD diagnosis can interact if they want. They may seem cold and distant, but they are actually as emotional and sensitive as everyone else – sometimes even more.
Autism is present in adults, too
We all know about autistic children, but have you ever wondered what happens to them? Well, they don’t grow out of it, they just grow. So, yes, there are a lot of adults with autism and some of them work and are successful in their careers. For instance, Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah has Asperger’s Syndrome.