Building a good reputation is a top priority for companies. Businesses now realize that a good reputation offers many benefits, like greater consumer preference, ability to charge a premium for services and products and many others. Over the past few years, through the extensive use of technology many companies cemented positive reputation that helped them to acquired bigger market shares.
In 2015, however, fortunes have taken an unexpected turn. Technology giants like Apple, Microsoft and Samsung have witnessed a decline on Nielsen’s 2015 Global RepTrak 100 list. Car makers, like BMW, Daimler and Volvo, on the other hand, have moved up.
Walt Disney has been dethroned as the company with the best reputation in the world. In fact, it lost five spots and is currently 6th on the list. The company that overtook is BMW, which was ranked once again top performer as it was back in 2012 and 2013.
BMW is not the only automaker on this year’s Global RepTrak ranking. The German company is among a dozen of popular car makers. Among them, for instance, is Daimler which not only remains in the top 10, but it also managed to climb from the 8th to the 3th position on Nielsen’s list. Volkswagen (14) and Toyota (22) are also in the bunch. However, Volvo (42) and Ford (65) saw two of the most impressive rises on the ranking by climbing by seven and fourteen spots, respectively.
So where are technology companies, you may ask? They are still present on the Global RepTrak 100 list, but their reputation performance has seen better days. Despite the fact that Google (2), Apple (7), Sony (8) and Intel (10) have all found a place in this year’s top 10, almost all of them have witnessed a decrease. Only Intel saw a rise, whereas Google successfully maintains its second spot on the ranking. Similar is the situation further down the list, where Microsoft has dropped out of the top 10 and Samsung is on the verge of leaving the top 20 after a steep fall.