Advantages of Cloud Computing for Small Business Enterprises



While it is obvious that clouding has many benefits, it is also true that it comes with a number of downsides. Most of the owners of small and medium-sized businesses find subscription to be the biggest disadvantage of the cloud. That is due to the fact that they can be increased and that may have a negative or an unpredictable effect on your company’s budget. Moreover, often the provider of the service may require you to pay additional fees for security, storage or functionality updates.

In addition, if you move to the cloud, your business will become very dependent on the service. For example, imagine that your internet is down and you cannot access your data. That might cost you money and time. Also, if you forget to renew your subscription you might get limited or no access to the cloud. This again will hinder the normal process of work.

You also need to consider the possibility that in a couple of years the cloud or the provider on which you are relying may no longer exist. The technology business is very dynamic and the ones who are at the top today may quickly reach the bottom tomorrow.

Cloud services are popular among small and medium-sized businesses. However, this does not mean that your small or medium-sized business needs to move to the cloud. Therefore, if you are planning to transfer your company’s data online answer a few simple questions: How reliable is my internet provider? Can I find a backup source for web access? Is the subscription price worth it? Does the clouding platform offer enough security and privacy? Does the cloud support a large variety of file formats?

If the answers to most of these questions are positive, then you are ready to introduce your business to the cloud. If not, you should probably wait a little longer.


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