E-Books for Kids: A great way to make them read


Read wherever you go

According to Scholastic report, kids prefer e-books when they are out or travelling. So, it’s a great idea to take your reading wherever you go – on a tablet or an e-reader. There are various digital subscription services such as Amazon Unlimited (a FREE trial here) which offer thousands of titles aimed at kids – entertainment, science and technology books, fairy tales and comics. Audiobooks, (FREE trial + 2 books bonus here) for instance are very effective for children who find difficulty in reading.

Use public libraries

The latest Pew report on Library Services in the Digital Age reveals that over 90 percent of people admit public libraries are essential for kids, families, and communities. They provide parents with tools for the basic literacy education of little kids. They also give access to technology and information when it is not available to them.

Set an example

The best strategy for making keen readers for life out of your children is reading yourself. Show them you are reading every day. Instead of watching TV or searching the web, you can read novels, magazines and even newspapers, so they can realize how essential reading is.

Don’t worry if your children prefer reading on their tablets. E-books don’t have to replace printed books – they only provide more reading opportunities to the little ones, and honestly, it’s always more fun to read a “real” book than a digital one. Kids know that well!



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