Glaucoma May Be Detected Eight Years Before Sight Loss


As World Glaucoma Week (6th-12th March 2016) puts the condition at the top of the health agenda, researchers have identified for the first time, evidence that red flags can be spotted up to eight years before sufferers may notice their vision is affected. The findings further emphasise the importance of having a regular eye test, with serious issues able to be identified and treated before they cause permanent damage.

There are an estimated 600,000 people with glaucoma in the UK, but around half of these undiagnosed. Despite glaucoma being an hereditary condition, 31% of people are unaware that glaucoma runs in families and 72% of those in at risk groups don’t realise they are at an increased risk .

With a survey showing that 37% of people put off having an eye test due to cost concern, Vision Express is taking its Vision Van – a large mobile vehicle equipped with the latest eye testing technology – on a UK tour. It will give free eye tests to members of the public most at risk of glaucoma, in a bid to tackle the worsening eye health of the nation.


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