Social media platforms developers have been bullish on Live video and we have been expecting to see more new announcements related to that. Here is the latest one from Facebook. The awesome Facebook Surround 360 notwithstanding, the introduction of the Facebook Live API might just change the way we stream.
The Live API is essentially a set of tools to allow you to get your livestream on Facebook Live as fast as possible. A whole bunch of additions to the API now allow you to stream directly from multiple devices—including drones. DJI had previously introduced streaming features to their Phantom line-up, but streaming was only restricted to YouTube.
The highlights of the API are as follows:
- Stream from any device, combine multiple streams and add special effects to said stream in real-time.
- Interact with users directly on the livestream. Tools will let you, as a publisher, display messages, create polls, etc., directly within the livestream itself.
- The Live API can be used by hardware manufacturers to bake livestreaming into their devices directly.
- In the short time since the company rolled out Facebook Live to people and publishers around the world, an incredible adoption, creativity and engagement.
He also added that currently, only publishers with verified pages will have access to the Live API. Publishers will also be able to choose from a list of “media solution partners” with expertise in the field of live streaming.