Best-paying University Subjects for Women


No. 10. Math and Computer Science – Long thought of as a ‘boys’ subject, more female students are that realising numbers don’t belong to any gender, but the earnings gap is still pretty big for the time being.

No. 9. Linguistics – The study of language is a big earner for women, which probably explains why it has the smallest earnings gap on the list.

No. 8. Physics – Like mathematics, physics classes can often seem like a boys’ club, but thankfully that’s changing. Space agency NASA’s employees are almost 50% female.

No. 7. Allied Health – Defined as healthcare work that isn’t directly related to nursing or medicine, such as physical therapy or diagnostics, these highly skilled professions will always be solid earners.

No. 6. Education – The strikingly high earnings gap is more likely because of higher-education gender divergences than primary- or secondary-school careers. But it’s still surprising given how notoriously demanding the profession is.


No. 5. Biology – The second-smallest earnings gap on the list is in a science subject, good news for an area where women are hugely underrepresented. As history begins to recognise the impact of more female scientists, perhaps more female students will sign up.

No. 4. Law – Law is a tough profession, but shifting the earnings gap seems even tougher. Nevertheless, it’s very well-paid no matter what your gender.

No. 3. Language and Literature – Some of the biggest book phenomena of recent times have been written by women, not least the “Harry Potter” series by JK Rowling. Languages are also massively in demand at UK companies, so a degree in that often pays for itself in no time.

No. 2. Economics – Some may argue over whether economics is an art or a science, but everyone can agree that a degree in it pays very well. With women like International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde making waves, it’s a lucrative subject for both genders.

No. 1. Medicine – The best-paying degree for women and men is medicine, perhaps because it usually leads to a very specific, highly skilled, and highly paid profession. While the top 10 female earners who studied economics earned more than those who did medicine, the latter had a higher median average, making it a great subject to study.


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