CNN’s Christiane Amanpour spoke to Bryan Cranston, ahead of his upcoming portrayal of President Lyndon B. Johnson, in which he weighed in on this year’s Presidential election, and its future significance.
In a wide-ranging interview, Cranston explained that despite believing Trump is not Presidential, he attributes his success to speaking spontaneously and fear mongering.
On the impact of Donald Trump to this year’s Presidential election:
“I am ideologically opposed to almost everything that comes out of his mouth. I don’t feel he is Presidential, I don’t feel he has a grasp on the issues, but regardless of that, I want to start here and say that Donald Trump, I believe, loves this country.”
On how likely he believes a Trump Presidency is:
“I have trust and faith in my fellow citizens that, when all is said and done, common sense and sensibility, and a desire for an intellect and an honourable person to be in that position, and he will not become the President of the United States.”