UAE National Jr & Ladies Golf Team Summer Camp


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Junior and Lady Golf Squads are set to travel back to Fleesensee, Germany for a 14 day Summer Camp. With the UAE golf season in transition and the warm weather minimizing practice time, the Emirates Golf Federation (EGF) is taking this opportunity to travel and train with the National Junior and Lady Squads to prepare for upcoming events.

2015 Germany Summer Camp Squad

6 Ladies and 8 boys will be training at the Golf & Country Club Fleesensse in Germany. This will be the second year that the squads have traveled to this facility. With a more elite level of training schedule this year, the EGF Coaches and Team Manger are looking forward to a dynamic and productive camp. The facility has four golf courses, one of Europe’s largest practice facilities, a “Golf Arena”, and a PGA Premium Golf School.

The Squads will be working on fine-tuning their technical skills in all aspects of the game to improve their tournament play. The teams will play over 10 rounds of golf while working on course management and tournament preparation. The camp will also include fitness training at the facilities Tennis Club that will help develop the players’ balance, agility, speed, and hand-eye coordination. The Junior and Ladies teams will be training for the upcoming Arab Golf Championships and GGC Golf Championships that will start in October

Traveling with the squads are National Team Head Coach Greg Holmes, Performance Coach David Condon, and EGF Secretary General and Team Manager Khalid Mubarak Al Shamsi. Al Shamsi had this to say in regards to the camp, “ we really enjoyed the facility last year and we are excited to go back this year. The teams will be looking to build on last season’s success, especially the ladies who had a strong 2015 – 2016 season. Our focus will be on-course fundamentals and training in order to create competitive teams for future events”.

To find more information regarding the National Squads visit the EGF Website at or email the EGF at

You can also keep up to date with the Summer Camp on social media, as there will be daily posts of the squads’ time in Germany. Like, Share, or Comment on the Federation Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages.


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