Black Friday shopping is a big business for resellers on the Internet. On one single day there are more profitable items for sale than during the entire rest of the year. If organized well, a one-day Black Friday shopping spree can easily generate thousands in profit. This article explains in details how to find and buy deals on Black Friday and then how to sell them online for a profit.
- Read more: How to Start Reselling on the Internet
Preparing for Black Friday
In order to make the best of your Black Friday shopping, it is necessary to start by gathering some supplies. Initially you will need the following: money, transportation and ads.
The first requirement is fairly self-explanatory, but keep in mind that the more money you can spend the more you can make. Don’t go out and spend $10,000 on your first trip though, as that is a lot to lose if you mess up. Prepare yourself to spend a set amount of money before leaving, that way you will know exactly what you are getting into.
- Read more: How to Save $1,000 for Black Friday Shopping
The second requirement is actually more important than it sounds. If you plan to shop in a department store in the mall, the metro will not be a good option as you can carry a limited number of bags. It is wiser to use a car that you can easily park in the parking, so you can easily make a few trips to load your purchases.
Information is the most expensive commodity in the world! You will need to find as many ads as possible for Black Friday sales. During the past Black Friday sales we have found amazing deals online at Amazon.com, Target.com, JcPenney.com and Macys.com. All of these online stores offer international shipping.
Now that you have everything together, let’s get to the important part.
Researching Products for Profitability
It is ironic that the most important part of making money on Black Friday isn’t actually done on Black Friday. This is the part that separates those who will profit from shopping and those who will just buy things. It almost all comes down to the research. When the big day rolls around, it is important to know exactly where you are going and exactly what you are buying. Also know how much money you expect to make from each product. Keep the importance of this step in mind all the time.
The initial research begins with deciding what you will be buying. Start researching on the internet what people in your location are buying most. A simple Google search for Black Friday will reveal many websites that are dedicated to reviewing deals as ahead of the sales. You will need to sit down and look through all of them, paying specific attention to items you think are a good value.
Next you want to write down a list of the products that you think will be profitable when sold. You will then check this list against the prices on your local online retailer’s website to get an approximate selling value. This will give you an estimate as to the amount of money you can make off of each item. At the end of this price comparison, you should have a good number of products along with an idea of how much money you can make from reselling them.