“Where people want to work?” is an important question not only for fresh graduates, but but for everyone planning to build a career.
LinkedIn analyzed billions of actions taken by members of the social network and looked at people’s interest in a company’s jobs, interest in a company’s brand and employees and companies’ employee retention.
According to the resulting list, Alphabet which is the parent company of Google, firmly came out on top. Amazon ranked at number 2. Technology companies dominate the list and this comes as no surprise.
Alphabet scored most interest because it gives employees opportunity and resources to tackle problems ranging from “creating self-driving cars to impeding extremism,” according to LinkedIn. The network said job seekers are also interested in Amazon because of its reputation for innovation.
In third place came Facebook, which drew interest because it gives “employees the power to experiment at levels never before imagined,” according to LinkedIn. Rounding out the top five were Salesforce and Uber.The full list ranked 50 companies and included Apple, Tesla, Time Warner and The Walt Disney Company in the top 10 of most in-demand places for job seekers.