A Cure for People Who Worry Too Much


Chronic worriers, take note: Simply writing about your feelings may help you perform an upcoming stressful task more efficiently.

People who worry too much burn up cognitive resources; it’s kind of like they are constantly multitasking as they are doing their tasks and trying to monitor and suppress their worries at the same time. But if you get these worries out of your head through expressive writing, those cognitive resources are freed up to work toward the task you’re completing and you become more efficient.

A new Michigan State University research measured participants’ brain activity and now provides the first neural evidence for the benefits of expressive writing.

For the study, college students identified as chronically anxious through a validated screening measure completed a computer-based “flanker task” that measured their response accuracy and reaction times. Before the task, about half of the participants wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings about the upcoming task for eight minutes; the other half, in the control condition, wrote about what they did the day before.

While the two groups performed at about the same level for speed and accuracy, the expressive-writing group performed the flanker task more efficiently, meaning they used fewer brain resources, measured with electroencephalography, or EEG, in the process.

Worried college students who wrote about their worries were able to offload these worries and run more like a brand new Prius, whereas the worried students who didn’t offload their worries ran more like a ’74 Impala — guzzling more brain gas to achieve the same outcomes on the task.

While much previous research has shown that expressive writing can help individuals process past traumas or stressful events, the current study suggests the same technique can help people who worry too much prepare for stressful tasks in the future.

Expressive writing makes the mind work less hard on upcoming stressful tasks, which is what worriers often get “burned out” over, their worried minds working harder and hotter. This technique takes the edge off their brains so they can perform the task with a ‘cooler head’.

Detailed findings of the research are published online in the Journal Psychophysiology.


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