Take Care: Stormy Weather Triggers Dust Allergies


Doctors advise residents to steer clear of extremely dusty regions, and take the necessary precautions to avoid challenges arising due to dust allergies

As part of the ‘World Allergy Week’ doctors from Canadian Specialist Hospital has advised patients to avoid excessive exposure to dust and practice precautionary measures. Dust allergies are usually triggered by the rise in temperature and dusty warm winds of summer as it leads to an increase in inhaled sand particles. If left untreated, allergies can lead to severe conditions like sinus and asthma.

As per reports, one in six people in the UAE suffer from asthma and one in five residents suffer from allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever.

“Allergies occur due to the inflammation of the immune system pathway when encountered by allergens. Patients may experience severe itching all over the body, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, itching throat and itchy watery red eyes. In rare cases, patients may experience urticaria, angioedema and breathlessness if the allergy aggravates,” said Dr. Ali Akbar, Head of Dermatology Department, Canadian Specialist Hospital.

In case of dust allergy, patients are advised to stay indoors during sand storms and dusty weather conditions. When stepping outdoors, cover the nose and mouth region with a mask to avoid exposure to dust. At home, the most important practice is to reduce the humidity in the house and use an air purifier to reduce dust exposure. Ensure proper vacuum cleaning of the house to avoid accumulation of dust.

Allergies often affect the quality of life by interfering with daily activities and causing sleep disturbances. Hence, doctors recommend patients who suffer from similar symptoms to seek medical help. The cause of the allergy must be determined before it can be treated. Once the cause of the allergy is determined, the patient will be able to avoid the allergen and will be prescribed the correct medications.

“If proper care is not taken, allergies may build up over time in people who have the potential to become allergic to a substance. Patients may experience mild or server allergic reactions. The severe ones are characterized by more intense symptoms along with abnormal and difficult breathing, chest tightness, anxiety, swelling of the face, eyes, or tongue, and racing heart. These symptoms can lead to loss of consciousness and are life-threatening. If you experience any of these symptoms it is better to consult your physician immediately,” concluded Dr. Ali Akbar.


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