Kid Podcasts
Kids already love listening to Audible through FreeTime Unlimited on Alexa, and soon FreeTime Unlimited customers will have over 1,000 Audible books available to enjoy. To offer even more content, using Amazon FreeTime Unlimited on Alexa, kids can listen to popular kid and family podcasts, including Brain’s On from American Public Media, Story Pirates from Gimlet Media, and Ear Snacks from Andrew and Polly. These podcasts offer educational and age-appropriate news, stories, and more.
Kid Activity Skills
New FreeTime Unlimited on the new Alexa skills like Train Like an Avenger and Animal Workout help get families active and moving together, all while using their imagination. Plus new skills like Oregon Trail, Star Wars Missions, and Animal Rescue offer fun and educational content.
Learn more about FreeTime Unlimited on Alexa: