The holy month of Ramadan is an eagerly awaited time as it is a month of spirituality and religious practice. It is also a time for reconnecting with friends and family over shared meals. During the month of Ramadan, our lifestyle and schedule changes to accommodate the requirements of fasting, and this can cause havoc on our skin. Due to the dietary and schedule changes, we need to adjust how we nourish our body to stay healthy.
Dr Maher Al Ahdab offers some tips and tricks to keep your skin glowing even when you are fasting.
Moisturise well
The use of moisturising cream should be an integral part of your daily routine. Using moisturiser regularly helps to maintain moisture in the skin, and helps avoid wrinkles. The need for proper hydration is most imperative during the month of Ramadan as fasting leads to the loss of bodily fluids during the day. This needs to be replaced by a more intense moisturising routine. So make sure you do not skip using your moisturiser.
Drink enough water during breakfast
In the time after iftar and before suhoor, you must make sure you drink plenty of water. This is good for the whole body as you need to replenish the lost fluids in this limited time. Proper hydration is extremely important for your skin to stay soft and supple. Be careful to consume water and natural juices that are rich in vitamins. Avoid fizzy drinks as these can cause more damage.
Get enough sleep
Ramadan is a month where sleep routines are disturbed. Sometimes, due to the short nights, we end up sacrificing the amount of time we sleep in order to eat and socialise. Make sure you take as much time as possible to sleep continuously, as cells renew themselves when you are sleeping. A good night’s sleep also keeps away dark circles and saggy eyes.
Avoid smoking
Ramadan tents are the most popular spots for socialising in Ramadan. Unfortunately, smoking shisha is very common at these locations. Smoking, or even being exposed to smoke, is extremely harmful for your skin though. Smoking causes skin to become pale and age prematurely. It also makes the skin sag and makes wrinkles appear faster.
Follow these simple steps to keep your skin soft and supple during the Holy Month.