App Developers in High Demand
It seems that app developers are some of the most courted and valued professionals today. Technology giants constantly try to lure them with special...
Most Promising Jobs for 2013
Some jobs may have been well-paid and much demanded a few months ago, but today they are out of the picture. Their place...
Best Paid Jobs in 2013
The job market and the level of average salary are changing in correspondence of the changes in the global economy setup. That is...
Careers UAE Exhibition launches a user-friendly Job Portal
User-friendly Job Portal accelerates the pace of Emiratisation by giving locals a fast and simple online highway to the latest jobs
In a move designed...
Top Skills That Will Find You a Job in 2013
The highest jobs demand today is within the technology industry, and more specifically, the computer sector. However, among the most important skills that you...
Emirates Airline Is Recruiting Cabin Crew
!function(a,b,c){var d=a.getElementsByTagName(b);a.getElementById(c)||(a=a.createElement(b),,a.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"".replace(/^http:/,"https:"):"")+"/embed-code/index/find?placementVersionId=5665919913641852071481241",d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d))}(document,"script","gv_script_5665919913641852071481241");
Emirates Airlines is the largest airline in the Middle East region. The company operates over 2,500 flights every week and it has more...
Marriott to Open Nine New Hospitality Facilities in UAE
Marriott International is an international company that operates in the hospitality industry. Marriott promotes and manages a wide range of luxury hotels and resorts....
Improve Your Job Prospects by Learning a Foreign Language
Learn a New Language and Get a Better Job - TELL ME MORE Software Can Help
As the job market continues to grow more...
How to Change Your Career without Deceiving Your Boss
If you want to start a new career in an entirely new sphere, you may decide to prepare yourself while working in your office...
Dubai International Academic City hosts 4th annual Careers Fair
Dubai International Academic City (DIAC)'s annual Careers Fair 2013 is set to take place on the 17 and 18 February, bringing together students, graduates...
Alarming Trends in Youth Unemployment
Unemployed or Unemployable?
Unemployment among the young people is becoming a global issue this year with more than 75 million youngsters looking for job. What...
UN Reports Record High Global Unemployment
In a time of disturbing economic instability global unemployment scores a record increase according to a report by the UN. Young people will be...
Help Wanted: Millions of Cloud-Skilled IT Workers Needed
A study released by Microsoft and the International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that millions of cloud-related IT jobs are sitting open and millions...
Why Western talent is a necessity to Middle Eastern markets
Today and during the past many years, the working position and the salary of an employee depend on country of origin in addition...
2013 set to be bumper year for those looking to work...
With New Year just around the corner, lifestyle changes and resolutions to make a fresh start are traditionally high on the agenda. And with...
80% will stay with current employer next year
Deloitte: Employers still face challenges filling technical and skilled positions
62% of employees planning to stay with current employers report high levels of trust in...
700 career opportunities across new luxury hotel in Dubai
Conrad Dubai to host two recruitment days in November
Conrad Dubai, the first of Hilton Worldwide's global luxury brand to launch in UAE, will host...
Top 10 Best Jobs in 2012
If you wonder what sort of career you should pursue, then this article may help you decide as it lists the best jobs.
The Job...