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Attractive People Have A Harder Time Landing Low-Level Jobs

There’s been a good amount of research showing that work life is generally easier for good-looking people: They tend to earn more, they’re hired...

Watching Horror Movies Can Help You Lose Weight

Next time you skip the fitness class, embrace your lazy side and choose a horror movie from Amazon Video for an easy workout. New research...

Remote Workers Often Feel Shunned, Left Out

When it comes to virtual teams, if you’re out of sight, you’re also out of mind. While more and more people are working remotely,...

Removing Digital Devices from Bedrooms Improves Sleep

Removing electronic media from the bedroom and encouraging a calming bedtime routine are among recommendations Penn State researchers outline in a recent manuscript on...

Air Pollution Linked to Mental Health

There is little debate over the link between air pollution and the human respiratory system: Research shows that dirty air can impair breathing and...

Brain Activity Is Inherited

Every person has a distinct pattern of functional brain connectivity known as a connectotype, or brain fingerprint. While individually unique, each connectotype demonstrates both...

Daydreaming is Good: It Means You Are Smart

A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that daydreaming during meetings isn't necessarily a bad thing. It might be a sign...

Why Men Are More Attracted to Women Who Arch Their Backs

Men appear to be more drawn to women who slightly curve their backs, revealing what could be an evolutionary tactic used by females to...

Self Esteem Depends on Other People’s Judgments

Self esteem is often shaped by what other people think of us, according to a new study published in the scientific journal eLife. Researchers from...

Breast Cancer in Men Diagnosed Late due to Low Awareness

Globally one in 1000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer and the survival percentage in the 5 years after diagnosis for men is 74%...

New Drug Helps Dramatically with Weight Loss

A drug that targets the appetite control system in the brain could bring about significant weight loss in people with clinical obesity, according to...

Sleep More To Fear Less

Higher quality sleep patterns are associated with reduced activity in brain regions involved in fear learning, according to a study of young adults published...

72 Genetic Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Identified

Seventy-two new genetic variants that contribute to the risk of developing breast cancer have been identified by a major international collaboration involving hundreds of...

Excessive Smartphone Use Cause Sleep Deprivation in Teens

Excessive use of smartphones and tablets may be keeping teens awake a night, according to a study that found adolescents who spend more than...

Jealousy Scientifically Explained, But Only for One Gender

Scientists pinpoint jealousy in the monogamous mind Jealousy typically rears its head when we think a rival threatens a valuable relationship, such as a potential...

Who Uses Complementary and Alternative Medicine and How

Help sought from complementary, alternative medicine to remedy health problems A new and extensive study has charted the use of complementary and alternative medicine in...

What Training Exercise Boosts Brain Power Best?

One of the two brain training methods most scientists use in research is significantly better in improving memory and attention, Johns Hopkins University researchers...

Relationship Between Sugar and Cancer Now Clearer

Belgian scientists say they’ve made a research breakthrough in the relationship between sugar and cancer. Researchers found yeast with high levels of the sugar known...