Here Is How a Face Reveals Sexuality
New study links the dimensions of a person's face with their sex drive
Men and women with shorter, wider faces tend to be more sexually...
World Arthritis Day 2017: ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’
The Middle East Arthritis Foundation (MEAF) today reaffirmed its support to people living with arthritis, as World Arthritis Day is fast approaching and will...
A Cure for People Who Worry Too Much
Chronic worriers, take note: Simply writing about your feelings may help you perform an upcoming stressful task more efficiently.
People who worry too much burn...
Sitting for Long Hours Can Actually Shorten Your Life
A new study finds that it isn't just the amount of time spent sitting, but also the way in which sitting time is accumulated...
Looking Stressed Can Help Keep Peace
Scratching is more than an itch -- when it is sparked by stress, it appears to reduce aggression from others and lessen the chance...
With This New Device You Can Identify Cancer in Seconds
A team of scientists and engineers at The University of Texas at Austin has invented a powerful tool that rapidly and accurately identifies cancerous...
Eating Meat Linked to Higher Risk of Diabetes
While a plant-based diet is generally considered healthier than a meat-based diet in preventing the risk of diabetes, not all meats affect the risk...
Wearable Health Monitors Move to The Next Level – Electronic Skin
A new, electronic skin microsystem tracks heart rate, respiration, muscle movement and other health data, and wirelessly transmits it to a smartphone. The electronic...
Dancing Slows Brain Aging
As we grow older we suffer a decline in mental and physical fitness, which can be made worse by conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Older...
How Happy You Are Dictates How Healthy You Are
Happy people are healthier and live longer. By now this notion is supposed to be a common belief that dictates lifestyle choices. Chronic unhappiness...
Green Tea for Weight Loss Works But Not Always
Green tea for weight loss has gained tremendous popularity, but that is not all. Green tea emerged as an all-around health elixir, touted to...
Unemployment Healthier Than a Stressful Job?
A new paper published in the International Journal of Epidemiology finds that people employed in low paying or highly stressful jobs may not actually...
People with Blue Eyes Have a Single Common Ancestor
New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a...
Why Do Shorter Men Go Bald More Often?
Short men may have an increased risk of becoming bald prematurely. An international genetic study under the leadership of the University of Bonn at...
How Men Age – Fewer Hassles Until The Fourth Age
How men age and how happy individuals are remains relatively stable for some 80 percent of the population. Perceptions of unhappiness, or dealing with...
Practicing Yoga Reduces Depression Symptoms
People who suffer from depression may want to look to yoga as a complement to traditional therapies as the practice appears to lessen symptoms...
Fitbit May Turn Teens Off Exercising
Fitness tracker makers would have you believe that all that stands between you and the motivation to get up off your couch and get...
Poor Sleep May Be Adding to Your Waistline
Adults who have poor sleep patterns are more likely to be overweight and obese and have poorer metabolic health, according to a new study.