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Why Losing Money Is More Painful Than You Think

Losing money may be intrinsically linked with fear and pain in the brain, scientists have discovered.  Many everyday financial decisions, such as investing money are...

The Ugly Truth about Summer Allergies

As if a runny nose and red eyes weren't enough to ruin your warm weather look, summer allergies can gift you with even more...

Don’t Bring Work Home! You Will Burnout

When you bring work at home or home issues at work, you are headed for disaster. Not only your relationships and performance will suffer,...

Why Some People Are So Sure They Are Right, Even When...

Dogmatic individuals hold confidently to their beliefs, even when experts disagree and evidence contradicts them. New research help explain the extreme perspectives, on religion,...

How Body May Detect Early Signs of Cancer

Fresh insights into how cells detect damage to their DNA could help explain how the body can detect early signs of cancer. Scientists have discovered...

Human Species Extinction Seem Increasingly Possible

Chemicals, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices have caused the sperm levels of Western men to plummet to less than 50 percent of what they...

Using Money to Buy Time Boosts Life Satisfaction

Using money to buy free time, such as paying to delegate household chores like cleaning and cooking, is linked to greater life satisfaction. New research...

Too Much Driving or Watching TV Bad for Your Brain

Driving for more than two hours a day steadily reduces intelligence, a new study suggests. Researchers investigating how sedentary behaviour affects brain power found IQ...

When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep, Bad Things Happen

Many people don't get enough sleep, and growing evidence suggests it's not only taking a toll on their physical health through heart disease, diabetes,...

Eating at ‘Wrong Time’ Spoils Dieting

A new high-precision feeding system for lab mice reinforces the idea that the time of day food is eaten is more critical to weight...

Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Risk of Weight Gain

Artificial sweeteners may be associated with long-term weight gain and increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, according to a...

Best Countries for Retirement in 2017

Europe continued to dominate the top spots of this year's list of best countries for retirement, with Norway at No. 1 for the second...

Looking at Your Phone at Night – A Terrible Idea

Looking at your phone at night is a terrible idea and you shouldn't ignore the scientific advice on this subject.   The designers of our...

3D Printed Silicone Heart In Need of Longer Lifespan

ETH researchers from the Functional Materials Laboratory have developed a silicone heart that beats almost like a human heart. In collaboration with colleagues from...

Passive Smoking in Childhood Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis

The results of a study presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 2017 press conference confirmed the link between active smoking and...

Improving Diet Quality Reduces Risk of Premature Death

People who improve the quality of their diets over time, eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish and less red and processed...

Ugly Truth About Attractiveness – A Powerful Motivation

In today's appearance-driven world, body image can be a powerful influence on our choices and behaviors, especially related to dieting. That image is sometimes...

Daily Steps Count: Do You Live in The Laziest Country?

An average person clocks in 4,961 steps per day, according to a new study by Stanford University that crunches smartphone data to paint a...