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House Dust Contributes to Weight Gain

Poor diet and a lack of physical activity are major contributors to the world's obesity epidemic. In addition, now researchers have also identified common...

Scientifically Proven: Generous People Are Happier

Generosity makes people happier, even if they are only a little generous. People who act solely out of self-interest are less happy. Merely promising...

Drink Coffee for a Longer Life

Scientists have found that people who drink coffee appear to live longer. Drinking coffee was associated with lower risk of death due to heart...

World Chocolate Day: Cocoa Sharpens Your Senses

What happens to your brain up to a few hours after you eat cocoa flavanols, and what happens when you sustain such a cocoa...

The Weekend Effect: Happier Regardless Who You Are

From construction laborers and secretaries to physicians and lawyers, people experience better moods, greater vitality, and fewer aches and pains from the end of...

Your Face Can Tell Whether You Are Rich or Poor

Put on a happy face, your success may depend on it, suggests a study by psychology researchers at the University of Toronto's Faculty of...

Pursuit of Money Has A Downside

Although people living in consumer-based cultures such as Dubai's often believe that they will be happier if they acquire more money, they should always...

Summer Heat Makes People Moody, Unhelpful

Summer heat affects all living things and for some can be even fatal. A recently released study proved that when it's uncomfortably hot, people are...

How Video Games Change Your Brain

Scientists have collected and summarized studies looking at how video games can shape our brains and behavior. Research to date suggests that playing video...

Vegetarian Diets Twice as Effective in Reducing Body Weight

People who follow vegetarian diets not only lose weight more effectively than those on conventional low-calorie diets but also improve their metabolism by reducing...

A Link Between Mind Wandering, Giving Up

People whose minds tend to wander are less likely to stick to their long-term goals, according to new research led by the University of...

Tips on Renewing Your Health Insurance in UAE

You may feel the renewal of health insurance in UAE takes a lot to take in. A month before your policy expires you’ll be...

Instagram Worst Social Media App for Young People

Instagram is the worst social networking app for young people's mental health, followed closely by Snapchat. These findings are revealed in a new report...

Salty Diet Makes You Hungry, Not Thirsty

We've all heard it: eating salty foods makes you thirstier. But what sounds like good nutritional advice turns out to be not true in...

World’s 25 Healthiest Countries in 2017 Are Not All in Europe

The United Arab Emirates has ranked 43rd on Bloomberg's 2017 Healthiest Country Index.  Italy is the healthiest nation in the world, according to a ranking...

UAE’s First Weight Loss App Helps You Lose 2-4Kgs in a...

First scientific online and app based weight loss program, ‘weightmonitor UAE’ has been launched with the aim of curbing runaway obesity in the region,...

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle at Work

Many work environments aren’t that good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Employees are often tempted by variety of treats in the pantry room and...

Polluted Environment Causes 1.7 Million Child Deaths a Year

More than 1 in 4 deaths of children under 5 years of age are attributable to unhealthy environments. Every year, environmental risks – such...