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How Walking Affects Your Mood and Wellbeing

Feeling bored and sluggish? A new study reveals how walking affects your mood and makes you feel happier, even if you are simply strolling...

How to Survive Sandstorm Season

Asthma awareness is crucial when living in the GCC, especially when we live in a climate which has significant environmental triggers such as sandstorms....

Phase I Clinical Trials Underway for First MERS Treatment

SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc. (SAB), a leading biopharmaceutical development company, announced today that Phase I Clinical Trials are underway for its human antibody treatment (SAB-301)...

Freezing eggs provides women with a chance to preserve their fertility

Preserving your Fertility Timeline The technology provides the option to prolong a woman’s fertility timeline to ensure that they don’t miss out on receiving all...

High Doses of Fish Oil Help Recovery from Heart Attack

Heart attack patients who took high doses of fish oil supplements for six months showed improved heart function and less scarring, researchers report. It is...

World Hepatitis Day: Get tested and demand treatment

The World Hepatitis Day is marked on 28th of July by health organizations around the world. The common aim of multiple campaigns is to...

Obesity More Deadly for Men Than for Women

A study of nearly 4 million men and women around the globe says that the risk of dying before the age of 70 was...

10 Things Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You

With the ongoing fight against obesity and the widespread obsession over health and fitness on the Internet, many people choose pay a personal trainer...

Health Care During Travel – What to Pack

Taking some time off is something we all need every now and then. Vacations can do wonders not only to one’s mood, but also...

Worries about MERS return to the Middle East

Between 21 June and 30 June 2016, the National IHR Focal Point for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia notified WHO of 13 additional cases...

Cranberries Can Decrease Use of Antibiotics

Today leading experts on infectious disease and urinary tract infections (UTIs) will gather in London to discuss the alarming state of antibiotic resistance and...

Health Benefits of Ramadan Fast

The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is upon us, and Muslims across the UAE will start the traditional Ramadan fast, which prohibits eating...

How to Manage Diabetes during Ramadan

A major change in the dietary pattern happens during Ramadan compared with other times of the year. Fasting Muslims are required to refrain from...

World No Tobacco Day: Get ready for plain packaging

For this year's World No Tobacco Day, 31st of May, the World Health Organization is calling on countries to get ready for plain standardized...

Life Expectancy Rose By 5 Years Since 2000

Dramatic gains in life expectancy have been made globally since 2000, but major inequalities persist within and among countries, according to this year’s “World...

People in 80% of the Urban Cities Breathe Bad Air

More than 80% of the people living in urban cities that monitor air pollution are exposed to air quality levels that exceed WHO limits....

Non-financial Assets Key to Long Life

Non-financial assets key to 100-year life, according to London Business School expert Investing in non-financial assets such as friends and family is crucial to living...

Depression goes hand in hand with unemployment

Unemployment has long been associated with depression, but now a new survey shows that the longer a person stays out of job, the more...