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Cosmetic Surgery is booming in UAE, data says

Enquiries to cosmetic surgery clinics more than double (106%) in the past year Medical tourism to the UAE has increased by 135% in the past...

Obesity: Causes and Treatments

Obesity is one of the most serious modern-day diseases resulting from the new global lifestyle. It has become a real threat to public health...

Diabetes claims one life every seven seconds around the world

According to a report by World Health Organization (WHO), Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of deaths globally claiming more lives annually...

Facts you should know about Prostate Cancer

*By Prof.Dr.Khalil Oumari - Consultant urologist and Specific Urology-Germany Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men (after skin cancer), but it can often...

Harvard’s New Dubai Research Center to Address Gaps in the Delivery...

Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery-Dubai will host an inaugural academic symposium examining care delivery gaps in the treatment of major diseases...

The Effects of Bullying

Via: Zayed Law of Chicago

Staying Healthy in a Big City

Staying healthy and fit when you live in the heart of the city is quite challenging today. It’s easy to skip meals, or pick...

Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

Breast cancer is treatable in 2015. Medications and health research have reduced mortality, while the treatments are less invasive than twenty years ago, and...

Untreated diabetes can lead to complete vision loss

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that allows the body to use...

Multi-country study finds body image improves with age

The majority of adults are happy with their weight and body image, and body confidence tends to mature with age, according to a new...

Weight Loss Industry Biggest Lie Exposed

America’s most popular doctor on TV and still admired by many, Dr. Oz, recently has faced criticism over promoting miracle dietary pills and supplements...

Fans around world take to their mats for first International Yoga...

Millions of yoga enthusiasts stretch and twist in unison across the world this Sunday to mark the first International Yoga Day. Thousands of people dressed...

Dubai Healthcare City expands its licensing framework

Licensing framework now covers 63 countries · Criteria for healthcare and CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) professionals from new country list includes examination, supervised clinical...

Stop Caring About Five Things to Feel Happier

Happiness comes from the little things, like listening to birds’ songs, watching the sunrise with someone you love, or even watching your favourite TV...

The Five Steps of Cigar Smoking

Via: StogieBoys.com

Healthcare industry will need more nurses by 2020

Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH), one of the leading private sector hospitals in the UAE, celebrated the International Nurses’ Day by commemorating the contributions of...

Cancer Cost Reaches Record $100 bn Globally

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases in 2012 alone. The increasing incidence of the disease paired...

A Game-Changer Protein May Be Cure for All Cancers

Scientists believe they have found a protein, which they describe as a “game-changer” for cancer treatment. The breakthrough discovery by researchers in the UK...