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How To Deal with Embarrassing Situations

Feelings of embarrassment can be overcome through mental training. This is the finding of a study published in Springer's journal Motivation and Emotion. By...

What to Do If You Have Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels around the anus. When the pressure on these vessels increases, they swell and turn into small lumps. These lumps...

Shoulder Pain: When to Worry

“A shoulder is a group of bones – humerus, scapula and clavicle that work together for all the movements of the arm and shoulder...

Does She Need Help? How to Spot a Mental Disorder

How do you know if someone you love is suffering from depression? Is there an easy way to determine if someone is just sad...

2018 Global Health Care Outlook: Working Towards Smart Health Care

Digital technologies are playing a vital role in reducing costs, increasing access, and improving care and the patient experience. Global health care spending is projected...

Women Who Exercise Regularly Less Likely to Develop Dementia

You may spend a lot of time working out, but there's a fitness reward you might not expect: better memory in your senior years. New...

UAE Bans Handwritten Prescriptions

A circular from the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention calls for all handwritten prescriptions to be banned. Medical professionals have six months to...

Yoga Ashram Will Hosts Ananta Yoga & Wellness Retreat

Ananta Wholesome Yoga & Wellness Retreat from 24th – 30th March 2018 at Marjan Island Resort & Spa Yoga Ashram hosts the Ananta Wholesome Yoga...

Behavior in High School Predicts Success Later in Life

Being a responsible student, maintaining an interest in school and having good reading and writing skills will not only help a teenager get good...

Here is Why Loneliness Is Bad for Your Health

Imagine a 65-year-old woman who sees her physician frequently for a variety of aches and pains. She might complain of back pain on one...

Dubai Health Authority Launches Mobile Skin Clinic

More than 300 visitors received free skin consultation and diagnosis at the Mobile Skin Clinic, launched to raise awareness about skin diseases by visiting...

Cleaning at Home as Bad for Lungs as Smoking?

Women who work as cleaners or regularly use cleaning sprays or other cleaning products at home appear to experience a greater decline in lung...

UAE Doctors Launch First Virtual Humanitarian City

In an unprecedented step, UAE Doctors have launched the 'Zayed Virtual Humanitarian City'. The world's first virtual humanitarian city will provide realistic solutions to...

Women Survive Crises Better Than Men

Women today tend to live longer than men almost everywhere worldwide -- in some countries by more than a decade. Now, three centuries of historical...

Re-thinking New Year’s Resolution on Healthy Eating

The holiday season brings parties, presents and an endless array of festive foods. Some people adopt a holiday eating or exercise strategy to offset...

New Year’s Resolution: Learn to Love Your Body

Put together a list of New Year's resolutions yet? Every year, many of us pledge to work harder at being healthy, losing weight or eating...

Boy Or Girl? It’s In The Father’s Genes

A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters. The work...

Middle East Arthritis Foundation Focuses on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Patients from across the region band together to increase awareness of Rheumatoid Arthritis In an effort to raise public awareness of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in...