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Rising investor demand for growth stimulus

Fund Manager Survey Finds Rising Investor Demand for Growth Stimulus Expectations Grow of Further ECB Easing by Year-end A growing majority of global investors would like...

Social Media as a Portfolio Tool

For entrepreneurs and small businesses, social media is an equalizer Without a doubt, social media is nowadays becoming a portfolio tool for businesses and individuals...

More spending as global consumer confidence increases

UAE' consumer confidence index remained unchanged at 105, above the average Households around the globe experienced a brighter personal situation in terms of jobs and...

Branding can be a key differentiator for SME’s

A two-day branding workshop was hosted by The Brand Union at the recent MENA Businesswomen’s Network (BWN) inaugural forum, aimed at emphasising the importance...

Brands need to be meaningfully different and relevant

Contrasting consumer expectations and needs – especially within different cultural contexts – means all brand communication strategies must and will vary according to the...

Dubai traders seeking solutions in tough times

Prices became uncompetitive, because of increased administrative and operational costs Fierce competition from counterparts in other regions The current global economic downturn could spell potential disaster...

Investors will get immediate 120 days business license in Dubai

DED set to launch ‘120 days hassle free license’ by end of year Move, along with changes in company ownership laws, will dramatically improve ease...

UAE economy grew 3.3 percent in 2011

Contribution of the non-oil sectors rose to 70 percent in 2010 UAE  among Top 30 nations for attracting FDI UAE is on the course to welcome...

Entrepreneurship: Art or Science?

Entrepreneurship needs more science Starting your own business is an entrepreneurship survival trait Ideally, entrepreneurship should be a balanced activity, combining talent and analytical thinking. In...

Dubai Healthcare Sector focuses on Prevention

The focus of Dubai’s health care sector is undergoing a major shift. Stronger emphasis is now placed on prevention rather than treatment of health...

Move over Dubai, there’s a new expats haven in town?

A professional financial planning service dealing with international workers and expatriate clients across the UK and mainland Europe is trying to challenge the wisdom...

Gold trading in UAE off to a strong start in 2012

Dubai Multi Commodities Centre shifts its ETF's from NASDAQ Dubai; Considering to offer spot gold contract to Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange Further weakening of...

Top high-earning locations for Expats

Why Expats leave Dubai? Expats face difficult times! The global economic situation remains far from positive and prosperous, prompting many people to consider a move...

UAE Property Investment better than Cash

The rental property returns on premium real estate investments in the UAE are at least three times higher than having cash in the bank

Corporate Business Revamp: Go Social or Die

Strategies for turning Business Social Together with mobile and cloud computing, everything "social" emerges as a leading trend. Much of the business community in Dubai and...

Gold decade-long bull run nears the end

Gold is nearing the end of a decade-long run that has lifted prices by more than 600 percent, some market observers believe. The yellow metal...

Political stability key as Dubai renews efforts to tap investment

Dubai's bid to bounce back from the global economic crisis will be mapped out in a wide-ranging report to be published by the global...

Dubai’s retail rebounds along the tourism sector

The retail sector is in a position to take advantage of the improving economic environment, with many retailers expecting better revenues in 2012. While recovery will be gradual, the bottoming out of two main sectors, hospitality and retail, is positive and reflects bright tourism and economic trends.