Tag: Healthy Living
Global Edge Unveils 3 Healthcare Brands at Arab Health 2025
Reports show consumer interest on health, fitness, nutrition, appearance, sleep, and mindfulness is growing in the Middle East.
The three new brands will empower individuals...
UAE Among Fittest Countries in World
Report based on Cigna’s annual 360 Well-being Survey highlights importance of fitness initiatives in the UAE aimed at promoting an active lifestyle.
Physical Well-being index...
Work-Life Balance, Myth Or Reality?
The new study deep dives into the ever-raging debate of balancing personal and professional lives. The results may surprise you.
Bayt has recently conducted a...
UAE Residents Still Risk Heart Damage with Lifestyle Choices
Allurion launched the Allurion Balloon (formally known as the Elipse Gastric Balloon) in the UAE to support a community struggling with being overweight and...
6 Simple Tips To Manage Stress During Stress Awareness Month
Not only can stress have a profound effect on your psychological wellbeing but it can also compromise your physical health. The first step to...
Tips On Staying Healthy While Working From Home
With gyms and fitness clubs across the country temporarily closed for the rest of the month, it is important to re-evaluate our health goals...
Dubai Sports Council Launch ‘Be Fit, Be Safe” Campaign
The online initiative urges members of the community to keep exercising at home and share their innovative home workout videos with @DubaiSC
The Dubai Sports...
Festive Offer: Get Fit with a FREE Fitness First Membership
Fitness First announces incredible festive deal for the holidays
Join now and get the rest of the year for free
Fitness First Middle East,...
‘Yoga For Smiles’ campaign in partnership with Yogafest Dubai
Yogafest Dubai, Middle East’s longest running and largest health and wellness outdoor festival dedicated to yoga, mindfulness and eco living is back this year...
Learning and Staying in Shape Key to Longer Life
People who are overweight cut their life expectancy by two months for every extra kilogramme of weight they carry, research suggests.
A major study of...
How Physical Activity Saves Lives
Physical activity of any kind can prevent heart disease and death, says a large international study involving more than 130,000 people from 17 countries...
Top Secrets to Younger Looking Skin All Year Round
Younger glowing skin starts at home in your beauty cabinet and with your overall health. Having younger looking skin needs constant care and a...
Eliminate Stress for Sound Sleep
Let's face it - Stress has become an inevitable part of our lives, from professional demands, personal lives to even the snarling traffic conditions...
World Arthritis Day 2017: ‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’
The Middle East Arthritis Foundation (MEAF) today reaffirmed its support to people living with arthritis, as World Arthritis Day is fast approaching and will...
Sitting for Long Hours Can Actually Shorten Your Life
A new study finds that it isn't just the amount of time spent sitting, but also the way in which sitting time is accumulated...
How Happy You Are Dictates How Healthy You Are
Happy people are healthier and live longer. By now this notion is supposed to be a common belief that dictates lifestyle choices. Chronic unhappiness...
Unemployment Healthier Than a Stressful Job?
A new paper published in the International Journal of Epidemiology finds that people employed in low paying or highly stressful jobs may not actually...
Looking at Your Phone at Night – A Terrible Idea
Looking at your phone at night is a terrible idea and you shouldn't ignore the scientific advice on this subject.
The designers of our...