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Tag: Losing Weight

Why Yo-Yo Dieting is Bad for You

Most people don't think yo-yo dieting is a good thing. It is repeatedly gaining and losing significant amounts of weight. Now they received an affirmation...

Why parents let their children to become overweight?

Despite the rise in child obesity, experts point out that it's wrong to just blame parents A new study shows that the health risks for...

Top 10 reasons why you’re not losing weight

How to not lose weight!  If you’ve been adhering to a strict healthy eating and fitness plan for a while but are failing to see...

Best pre-wedding diet plan

10-point wedding diet plan for brides If you want to lose weight for your wedding, our pre-wedding diet ideas lift the lid on the...

Common mistakes of losing weight

Top 10 losing weight and dieting blunders Superfood supplement for weight loss Very often, when we make the decision to lose weight, we start off with...