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Tag: Social Media

Digital Influencers Share Their Tough Selfie Truths

Think it's so easy? Think again and find out how digital influencers are now using Artificial Intelligence technology to up their selfies to superstar...

And The Most Popular Social Media Platform of The Hour Is…

Every couple of years a new most popular social media platform comes around and once it reaches a certain degree of popularity, marketers, advertisers...

Most Loved Travel and Hospitality Brands of 2018

Social media plays an extensive role in how customers feel about travel and hospitality brands, and where they choose to spend their vacation time....

Screen Usage at All Time High for UAE’s Youth and It’s...

UAE Kids and Teens Spend an Average of 56 Hours Per Week on Devices · Scorching heat and fewer outdoor activities increases kids time...

Here Is Why You Will Lose Twitter Followers from Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, if you are a social media enthusiast, you will lose at least four Twitter followers. But you are not alone. Many of...

Taking Selfie Game Elevated to Superstar Status

One thousand selfies are posted on Instagram every second. And that's just the number according to a report by Rawhide last year; that's likely grown...

Digital Devices during Family Time Trigger Bad Behavior in Children

Parents who spend a lot of time on their phones or watching television during family activities such as meals, playtime, and bedtime could influence...

How to Follow #WorldCup on Twitter

With one day to go until the 2018 @FIFAWorldCup in Russia, the countdown has begun, and the conversation continues to heat up. This how-to-follow...

Young People Favor Social Media Other than Facebook

A Pew survey of teens and the ways they use technology finds that teenagers have largely ditched Facebook for the visually stimulating alternatives of...

Digital Addiction Increases Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression

Smartphones are an integral part of most people's lives, allowing us to stay connected and in-the-know at all times. The downside of that convenience...

Snapchat Opens New Lens Studio Tools for Region’s Creatives

Official Creator Program launched to highlight and partner with select creators Today Snap announces new tools for any Lens Studio creator, including seven all new...

Has Social Media Ruined the News Landscape?

In recent months, public pressure on Facebook and other social media platforms has been mounting to assume some degree of responsibility in the efforts...

2018 Top Influencers Revealed

Fourth annual influencer index names Dana al Tuwarish as top luxury lifestyle influencer in the region Leading global luxury and lifestyle communications network, SERMO, has...

Most Common Myths about Social Media

The internet was expected to renew democracy, tackle the hegemony of the monopoly news providers and draw us all into a global community. Over...

Is WhatsApp The New Face to Face? Would Interest Rate Hikes...

A dozen executives from the country’s top real estate companies convened at Propertyfinder Group headquarters last week in an on-the-record quarterly forum. The group...

Most Hashtagged Cities On Instagram; Dubai 4th

Instagram has become a huge hit with travelers around the world and London has dethroned New York as the most hashtagged city in a...

How Social Media Can Help People Lose Weight

Sharing the triumphs and tribulations of your weight loss journey with other members of an online virtual support community plays an important role in...

How Fake is Our News?

Hardly a day goes by without media and sometimes government claims that Russia has been utilising social media tools to spread fake news and...