Even though the number of web designers continues to increase, the demand for such professionals does not seem to know any limit. There is a simple explanation for this fact. Now every small business, organization, product, service and etc. has its own website.
In December 2012, an article published on Dubai Chronicle, stated that the total number of web sites amounted to amounted 634 million. In addition, almost 1/12th of them were launched in 2012. The statistical numbers illustrate the current situation pretty well. Therefore, if you have skill in web design, don’t hesitate to start your own small business as a web designer. Here is how you can easily do that:
Calculate Startup Costs
You need to know how much you are going to spend on your new undertaking. Calculating your startup costs will allow you to estimate your finances and not to exceed your budget. See how much you are going to spend on software, hardware, marketing, business licenses, rents and other expenses. Also, don’t forget to include unforeseen spending in your budget.
Apply for Business License
Starting a business always requires applying for a license. You will need to register your company and get an approval by the local business administration. Depending on your country, you may also need to apply for an employer identification number. You can do that at the local revenue service. In addition, you can also get insurance for your equipment.
Get an Office
Decide where you want to work – at your home or in an office. If you are a freelancer, you can create an office area right in your house. However, if you plan to employ other people, you may consider the option of renting or leasing an office space.
Purchase Tools
Decide How Much You are Going to Charge
Set up your rates as a web designer. However, do not try to lure clients with dirt-cheap services and products, at least not in the beginning of your business. That is because you will need extra financing at first if you want to stabilize and establish a profitable business.
Open a Business Bank Account
Business bank accounts have their benefits. For example, your firm will get to enjoy additional services and if you are a freelancer, you will receive a freelance wage.
Built an Online Presence
First of all, you will need to develop a website for your company. Think of it as a portfolio. Add pictures and information about your most impressive projects so that your potential customers can get an idea of your skills and creativity. Also, open pages on various social websites and start a business blog. In it, you can share about some tips on the industry’s latest trends and promote your services as a web designer. Pay attention to SEO and list your website on all the major search engines. That will push you among the top search results and attract more visitors.
Attract Clients On- and Offline
Promoting your business online is important, but you also need to use some offline old-fashioned methods to lure more customers. A nice idea would be to join professional groups or to establish a connection with a number of third-party websites or companies.
Alternative Income Sources
Website designing is a lucrative job. Nevertheless, you should also think about other income alternatives. You have the equipment and the skill and it will be a waste if you limit yourself only to websites. There are many other things you can do, which are not that time consuming and yet they are profitable. For instance, you can design logos, templates or themes for other companies.
The web design business is flourishing. However, jumping in it without any plan, idea or preparation will get you nowhere.