Choose the right means of transportation
Choose the right accommodation
Some people prefer cheap motels, while others insist on a luxury hotels service – it depends on your budget and personal preference. If you can afford it, choose a more established hotel brand such Hilton, or otherwise book here. Not all of their hotels are so expensive; in fact, they often offer sales and promotions online, or savings if you book your stay in advance. There are various reward membership programs at such global hotel chains which can save you even more. You can try more affordable accommodations, but don’t expect the same amenities or service.
Stash some emergency cash
This is one of the best and essential travel tips, no matter where you are going. Imagine you lose your wallet, the ATM runs out of money, or your credit card somehow stops working. But cash is king – stash some emergency money in your toiletry bag, socks, hidden pockets, and so on.
Mind your health and body
It’s easy to forget about your workout routine or eat too many fried delicacies while you’re on the road. Make sure to always carry bottled water, sunscreen, and an oral hygiene kit. Don’t forget to workout, visit the hotel’s gym, or at least walk more. Get enough sleep – go to bed early and wake up early to avoid the crowds, and use the journey to try a new activity. For instance, you can try yoga, Pilates, martial arts, meditation, acupuncture, hiking, and a lot more. Here is one of the best websites to help you with this – it will guide you to the best spa centers or fitness classes almost everywhere around the world.