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How to Start Travel Blog


Then you should get hosted – there are also various services such as Go Daddy and many others. They are relatively cheap and offer a free domain name, as well as a support service.

Get the right kit

From the millions of gadgets on the market, you will need only a few essentials to start your travel blog. First of all – a good quality camera, which doesn’t necessarily have to be a professional one, yet needs to provide good image quality. This means not only good resolution, but also a decent zoom. Then, you will need a writing device. Tablets are more compact, but most of them don’t have the functionality of a laptop, so if you are thinking about popular brands such as iPads or Amazon’s Kindle tablets, make sure you have a separate keyboard. Usually, Wi-Fi access at hotels and cafes will do the trick, but as you are getting more popular among readers, you will need your iPad with 3G capability. Of course, your device should be unlocked, so you can use it with local SIM cards. Another essential thing in your backpack is the external hard drive.

There are lots of good quality cameras, unlocked, international-version smartphones, and tablets on Amazon.com, which aren’t expensive.

Be active on social media

Once you start your travel blog, create a Facebook page, a Pinterest account and a Twitter account. Instagram is also a good option, as you are largely promoting your blog through photographs. But make sure you keep your brand name across all social media networks, so your readers don’t get confused. A great way to promote your blog is guest posting on other blogs and websites – consider creating a Gravatar account and a nice photo a detailed description. Of course, be active on these websites, promote yourself all the time, but also be creative, different, and create your posts with your readers in mind.

Create interesting, unique content

This is one of the most important tasks, but also one of the most difficult. You should establish your own style of writing and stick to it – make sure to be informative and entertaining at all times. You should write useful blog posts, not essays that sound like a travel diary. Travel diaries are for your personal use, not for your readers! Useful in this case means not only full of advice (after all, you can’t think you are the largest authority on the subject, right), but most importantly, entertaining/ amusing, and emotionally moving.

Spelling and grammar should be your best friends – you may have an incredible style of writing, but poor grammar will make readers leave your blog and never return to it. There are free spelling and grammar checkers, so don’t hesitate using them.

Now you see that travel blogging isn’t as easy as you thought. It requires a lot of hard work, total dedication, certain skills, and even financing. Another great tip on how to start travel blog we could give you – don’t write just about travel. Share your thoughts on life in general – they should be quite unusual and interesting views, since you travel extensively and meet with various people. The readers will love to know not just where you’ve been, but also who you are. In the end, try to be professional about it, become an expert and make sure your posts are engaging and enjoyed by your readers.



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