Top 10 Interior Design Secrets for Stylish Home


We’re completely blown away by photos of elegant homes in magazines and we all dream of transforming our own homes into a chic mansion-like home. But not everyone can afford to hire a renowned interior designer. However, experts say we can style our homes on our own and achieve a really “wow” effect, whatever our budget and the size of the property. That is, only if we know several essential secrets of the successful designer.

Of course, there are advantages of having a huge mansion when you start designing it, but even if you don’t have the luxury of living in a spacious residence, you can still be creative. Using clever tricks, you can disguise the disadvantages of your home and highlight its best features. Here are the top 10 expert’s interior design secrets for creating a stylish home with any size or budget.

Use different textures

Use different textures
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Using different textures brings out the beauty and uniqueness of contrasts. Layering is also a good tactic for a more glamorous feel. Try different textures with metallics, leather and other materials.



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