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Rules for Business Success – #1 What’s passion got to do with it?


Or you may feel a burning desire to start something and run something, but you are not sure what that something is. You may have a perfectly good job, but you feel an urge, a tugging, a preoccupation with an idea. You are turning it over in your mind and you are preoccupied with trying to figure out how you can make money with “it” so people will not think you have lost all sense.

It is not uncommon to try a number of different things before your passion becomes clear. Experimentation is the only way to figure it out. By trying out different businesses and jobs that interest you, you will learn things that will help you later.

You can always try new things as a freelancer. No matter what you experience, you will learn lessons that will eventually help you choose a business you love and a job you will cherish. In the freelance world, you start every day at zero and there are no guarantees of future or regular income. The challenges will teach you to believe in yourself and work hard and that good things and income would come of it as a result.

Assess your skills

If you want to discover your true entrepreneurial passion, you first must analyze your own interests, strengths, weaknesses, and desires. You must consider carefully how hard you want to work. And then you must research in a serious way the job or field in which you would like to work.

Learn form others

The concept of an apprentice is an ancient and wise one, and if you can find such a position early in your career and have the chance to work with a master, take it! The enthusiasm and the deep understanding of a true expert will infect you, whether you are simply trying to reinforce your own knowledge about a hobby or interest, or whether you are figuring out the kind of entrepreneur you want to become.

When you are truly committed to your goals, curious to learn, and eager to work hard, great mentors will be pleased to share what they know. By communicating and interacting with other entrepreneurs you will be able to collect many ideas and new perspectives.

Learn all you can from your mentors, even if they are not from your field of business.

When you love what you do, it’s not work

Becoming a first-rate entrepreneur begins with loving your work and becoming expert in it.

You will find that when you have a passion for what you do, and if you are sincere about your interest and concern for your customers, then “work” becomes an exciting experience.



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